Designed and created specifically for the practice of padel.

NOX padel shoes have been designed and developed in collaboration with Marta Rueda, podiatrist at the Centro de Estudios del Pie Martín Rueda. The Rueda's have collaborated with some of the most renowned sports institutions in Spain such as Futbol Club Barcelona, the High Performance Center of Sant Cugat, the Mapfre Center of Tennis Medicine or the Consell Català de l'Esport, among others.

His studies on padel movements and his clinical advice in the development of our footwear has been fundamental to achieve shoes designed specifically for padel practice and with the focus on the health of the players.


Laboratory tested

Our paddle shoes have been certified after being subjected to exhaustive pressure, surface temperature and muscle fatigue analyses in the laboratories of the INESCOP Footwear Technology Center in Alicante, Spain.